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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1306
Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
2025-01Time will tell: Working from home and job satisfaction over timeSundermeyer, Stefanie
2025-01-08Does the School Environment and School Engagement in Early High School Predict Trajectories of Anti-Social Behaviour? A National Longitudinal Study of Australian Youth From 12 to 19 yearsHalls, Olivia ; Ben, Edwards
2025-01-01Progressing "Positive Epidemiology": A Cross-national Analysis of Adolescents' Positive Mental Health and Outcomes During the COVID-19 PandemicO'Connor, Meredith ; Olsson, C ; Lange, Katherine ; Downes, Marnie; Moreno-Betancur, Margarita; Mundy, Lisa; Viner, Russell M; Goldfeld, Sharon ; Patton, George C ; Sawyer, Susan M; Hope, Steven
2024-01-01Emotional symptoms and inflammatory biomarkers in childhood: Associations in two Australian birth cohortsLange, Katherine ; Pham, Cindy; Fedyszyn, Izabela E; Cook, Fallon; Burgner, David P ; Olsson, C ; Downes, Marnie; Priest, Naomi ; Mansell, Toby; Tang, Mimi L K; Ponsonby, Anne-Louise; Symeonides, Christos; Loughman, Amy; Vuillermin, Peter; Kerr, Jessica A ; Gray, Lawrence; Sly, Peter D; Lycett, Kate ; Carlin, John B ; Saffery, Richard; Wake, Melissa ; O'Connor, Meredith 
2024-01Household income supplements in early childhood to reduce inequities in children's developmentGoldfeld, Sharon ; Downes, Marnie; Gray, Sarah ; Pham, Cindy; Guo, Shuaijun; O'Connor, Elodie ; Redmond, Gerry ; Azpitarte, Francisco ; Badland, Hannah ; Woolfenden, Sue ; Williams, Katrina ; Priest, Naomi ; O'Connor, Meredith ; Moreno-Betancur, Margarita
2023-10The potential of intervening on childhood adversity to reduce socioeconomic inequities in body mass index and inflammation among Australian and UK children: A causal mediation analysisPriest, Naomi ; Guo, Shuaijun; Gondek, Dawid; O'Connor, Meredith ; Moreno-Betancur, Margarita; Gray, Sarah ; Lacey, Rebecca; Burgner, David P ; Woolfenden, Sue ; Badland, Hannah ; Redmond, Gerry ; Juonala, Markus ; Lange, Katherine ; Goldfeld, Sharon 
2021-08Inequities in Children's Reading Skills: The Role of Home Reading and Preschool AttendanceGoldfeld, Sharon ; Moreno-Betancur, Margarita; Guo, Shuaijun; Mensah, Fiona ; O'Connor, Elodie ; Gray, Sarah ; Chong, Shiau ; Woolfenden, Sue ; Williams, Katrina ; Kvalsvig, Amanda ; Badland, Hannah ; Azpitarte, Francisco ; O'Connor, Meredith 
2020-11Health service utilisation and unmet healthcare needs of Australian children from immigrant families: A population-based cohort studyGuo, Shuaijun; Liu, Mengjiao; Chong, Shiau Yun; Zendarski, Nardia; Molloy, Carly; Quach, Jon ; Perlen, Susan; Nguyen, Minh Thien; O'Connor, Elodie ; Riggs, Elisha; O'Connor, Meredith 
2020-12Exposure to adversity and inflammatory outcomes in mid and late childhoodO'Connor, Meredith ; Ponsonby, Anne-Louise; Collier, Fiona; Liu, Richard ; Sly, Peter D; Azzopardi, Peter ; Lycett, Kate ; Goldfeld, Sharon ; Arnup, Sarah J; Burgner, David ; Priest, Naomi 
2020-07Inequalities in the Distribution of Childhood Adversity From Birth to 11 YearsO'Connor, Meredith ; Slopen, Natalie; Becares, Laia; Burgner, David ; Williams, David R; Priest, Naomi 
2021-02Do risk factors for adolescent internalising difficulties differ depending on childhood internalising experiences?O'Connor, Meredith ; Romaniuk, Helena; Gray, Sarah ; Daraganova, Galina 
2020-06Use of health services by preschool-aged children who are developmentally vulnerable and socioeconomically disadvantaged: testing the inverse care lawWoolfenden, Sue ; Galea, Claire; Badland, Hannah ; Smithers Sheedy, Hayley; Williams, Katrina ; Kavanagh, Anne M; Reddihough, Dinah; Goldfeld, Sharon ; Lingam, Raghu; Badawi, Nadia; O'Connor, Meredith 
2019-12Potential of 'stacking' early childhood interventions to reduce inequities in learning outcomesMolloy, Carly; O'Connor, Meredith ; Guo, Shuaijun; Lin, Colleen; Harrop, Christopher; Perini, Nicholas; Goldfeld, Sharon 
2019-05Socioeconomic Disadvantage in Infancy and Academic and Self-Regulation OutcomesO'Connor, Meredith ; Chong, Shiau ; Hutchinson, Delyse; Sanson, Ann; McIntosh, Jennifer ; Olsson, C ; Goldfeld, Sharon 
2019Positive Mental Health and Academic Achievement in Elementary School: New Evidence From a Matching AnalysisO'Connor, Meredith ; Cloney, Dan ; Kvalsvig, A ; Goldfeld, S 
2024-11-24Life course socio-demographic circumstances and the association between housing tenure and disability-free life expectancy in Australia: a longitudinal cohort studyMitiku Teshome Hambisa; Kim M Kiely
2024Trajectories of psychological distress for Australian fathers parenting a child on the autism spectrum: Evidence from early childhood to adolescenceSeymour, Monique 
2017-02-22The impact of oral English proficiency on humanitarian migrants’ experiences of settling in AustraliaBlake, H. L.; McLeod, S.; Bennetts Kneebone, L.
2022-08-11Language Development: Individual Differences in a Social ContextMcLeod, Sharynne 
2011-10A nationally representative study of the association between communication impairment at 4-5 years and children's life activities at 7-9 yearsMcCormack, J.; Harrison, L.; McLeod, S.; McAllister, L.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1306

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