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Longitudinal Study: LSAC
Title: Teacher workforce: fiction vs fact
Authors: Fahey, Glenn
Institution: The Centre for Independent Studies
Publication Date: Mar-2022
Abstract: Australia’s education outcomes have deteriorated — despite increased spending on teachers and policy initiatives intended to increase the quantity and quality of the teacher workforce. Education policy is dominated by inputs-based approaches, which see increasing inputs — such as the number of teachers (and, correspondingly smaller class sizes), salaries, and narrow indicators of ‘quality’ (such as level of credentials, years of experience, and teachers’ test scores) — as the path to better education outcomes. But there is little evidence that increasing inputs improves outcomes.
ISBN: ISSN: 2204-8979 (Printed) 2204-9215 (Online) • ISBN: 978-1-922674-10-4
Research collection: Books
Appears in Collections:Reports

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